
At Diamond Creek Memorial Kindergarten (Collins Street, Coniston Street and Panton Hill campuses), we believe that children are motivated to learn from birth and develop best when they feel safe and secure.  We know positive interaction and sensitive, nurturing relationships are fundamental elements for all children to thrive and develop during their early years.

We intend for every child and their family to feel a sense of belonging, and wellbeing through rewarding relationships and an acceptance of others. We are connected to community life and promote this connectedness through engagement in and with local community. We recognise children as active community citizens and therefore seek and value their thoughts and opinions. Emphasis is placed on embracing all people with respect. Festivals that are pertinent to the seasons and the lives of the family are celebrated to enrich the cultural and spiritual lives of the children. 

We acknowledge the importance of each child as a unique individual, coming from diverse cultures and backgrounds, with varied interests and life experiences. We hold the broad vision that high quality early childhood education supports a child’s opportunities to have future successes in education, health, and wellbeing. The important development of a child’s brain architecture is constructed in these valuable first five years of life.

We encourage children to bring their unique interests to the curriculum to extend and enrich their knowledge and understanding of their world. We value and encourage children to have confidence in their own theories, ideas and explorations through enquiry-based learning occurring seamlessly in our indoor and outdoor learning environments. We include and welcome children with additional needs into our community, understanding early intervention and inclusion is critical in gaining successful outcomes for all children.

We recognise our place in ecology and role in environmental education and awareness and adopt sustainable practices in our daily life and children’s learning. We favour the use of natural, ethical, reclaimed, and sustainable materials to further complement and enhance curriculum.

We value our place in the community as a kindergarten with a rich history and passion for early childhood education.   NQS- 7.1.1