9th December newsletter and end of year celebrations for the 3yo group

Final News Bulletin for 2020…

the year like no other!

Dear 3yo families,

Summary of the 2020 adventure After discussion with 3 year old children, we have made plans for a small, yet fun celebration on the last day of 3yo kinder.

We want to take this opportunity to say thank all families for your support and understanding this year as we navigated a year like no other where information from DHHS and DET was emailed to us daily or late Sunday night to be interpreted before the next day, communicated to committee, to educators, to families and to children.

Term 3 was a new way of being part of 3 year old kinder and while we would always want to be face to face in the learning environment with children, through emailed YouTube clips, out of the box or outdoor experiences, recipes and playschool like videos (goodness we have our own private YouTube channel now) we endeavoured to follow our philosophy of open-ended play, outdoor play every day and holistic learning. We enjoyed the child and family feedback received so we could gauge interest and continue to plan for their interests.

I would also like to thank the educating team who worked during this time, as we needed to meet weekly to plan the following days, worked daily to complete experiences and film ourselves (often by ourselves). We worked together to find the best way to get the curriculum materials to you.

Having said that, the most joyous time was day 1 of Term 4 where we could all be together again understanding early childhood education is really about relationships and face to face learning and development.

Now as the end nears and we have up to date information about Victoria’s summer covid plan as of yesterday and what that means for early childhood, we can finally finalise end of year celebration plans. Plans that take in your children’s ideas and thoughts for their celebration.

Important Dates End of Year Celebration and Last Day of Term 4 finishing at 12.15pm- Wednesday December 16: Children would like a bubbly, dance party. Educators have organised a playlist and a bubbly bubble machine so we should be able to dance up a storm and have lots of fun. Children can come dressed in their favourite clothes if they wish. We will also have a party snack time which will include fruit but may not be the healthiest spread of food. Families are welcome to contribute ‘store purchased’ items if they wish to contribute but it is not essential. Food handling guidelines (covid safe) will be followed so children will have their own individual plates, have tongs and supervision of educators.

Come on in… yep really: Wednesday December 16 11.30am onwards: While we still have some restrictions, we would love families to come and join us in the garden (still newly renovated) from 11.30am onwards to join your beautiful children in play for the last time as a kinder group. We just ask you please be conscious of the 1.5m apart rule when speaking to other adults. This is where children can be collected at the end of the session if you cannot come early. At least we can all be altogether for some part of the last day.

Any questions, please ask a educator or send an email to diamond.creek.memorial.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au or text/ call 0447 099 055.

Warm regards,

the 3yo educating team


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