1st March 2021

Curriculum Overview

We have had a fabulous start to our kinder year at Diamond Creek Memorial, Coniston Street Campus. The children have been eager to explore our new play spaces – wet, muddy and sandy play outdoors the preference of many. Some have been keen to establish a climbing tree, just like the one at Collins Street.

The digging patch has been transformed by children, from a fairly barren dinosaur-world to one complete with mountains, rivers, lakes, bridges and nests. Teamwork was necessary for the planning, excavation, and construction. The dinosaurs also made their way to the sandpit. Here children worked together to dig, bury, construct castles, and decorate them with natural objects collected from the garden. Water was sourced from the water trough, with children taking turns to collect, transport and pour. Dinosaur floating and sinking was also explored.

The mud kitchen saw children source ingredients from the garden, take orders, and cook up a storm!

The cubby provided a sanctuary for friendly chats, quiet contemplation and reading.

Groups have gathered at the playdough table to construct a variety of friendly monsters; manipulating the dough and rollers and selecting the appropriate loose parts to create the perfect monster features.

Block corner has inspired many elaborate constructions including car tracks and ramps, a ride on bus, and even a zoo.

The children have been creative in the atelier, painting portraits of themselves and their families and beautiful abstract patterns. So many new colours evolved! At the writing table children not only drew their special people but made connections through creating birthday cards and illustrated gifts for family and friends.

A visit from Coach Phil was another highlight. We practiced ball handling & shooting hoops. This required much concentration and coordination. Whilst we played, we also practiced naming body parts, taking turns and celebrating the successes of all.

Children have shown such kindness towards their friends – seeking out playmates, including each other and offering a helping hand.

Thank you, parents and caregivers, for sharing information about your little people and making their transition to 4-year-old kinder smooth and enjoyable. We look forward to the wonderful learning ahead!

Simone (Sunny, Andrea and Bron)

Coach Phil

Coach Phil is an incursion we offer our children as part of our wellbeing curriculum. Phil visits weekly for an hour and involves children in a range of different sports and games. Phil focusses on multifaceted physical and emotional skill work, teamwork and a lot of fun. The children have already made a great connection with Phil and he is like the Pied Piper when he arrives.

Sun Hat/Sunblock

We supply all children with a sun safe hat that is their own for the year. This is stored in their own hat pocket. These are washed regularly.

Please remember to apply sunblock prior to kinder. We will re-apply at lunch time.

Unwell/sick children

Just a reminder that if your child is showing any signs of a runny nose, cough, fever or generally being unwell, it is a requirement for those children not to attend until all symptoms have ceased. If children present any symptoms at kinder we will ring the parent and asked for them to be picked up. With COVID-19 restrictions, this is more important than ever.

We would like to thank the parents that have already taken this onboard and notified us if their child is not attending.

We understand that this could be quite frustrating however living in these COVID times unfortunately this is the “new” normal.

COVID-19 Safe Plan Review (in line with departmental guidelines)

Drop Off

We will ask families to drop children off remotely at the door on arrival as we are finding that we cannot socially distance safely with so many families inside. Also having to wear masks with adults in the space means reassuring settling words from educators and conversations with children can be challenging and distorted. You can also see how relaxed children are at kinder now.

Pick up

Please feel free to come into the foyer and come into kinder and collect your children at the conclusion of the session. We really want you to be able to see the fun and learning documented inside kinder. Please wear a mask and be mindful of

distancing. This seems to work much better at the end of the session as we have some children in aftercare and collection of children seems to be a bit staggered.


Families wishing to have show throughs of the kinder curriculum will be asked only to attend on 4yo in aftercare times so they can see children very busy but it limits close contact just in case as things still have the potential to change very quickly and we need to be able to keep track of everyone coming to and from kinder. Families will also be encouraged to ask questions outdoors and to use our QR code to assist with contract tracing if ever needed. Mask wearing will be reflective of DET recommendations.

Kinder Easter Raffle

Donations Accepted

We usually ask families to donate Easter treats, crafts items and anything else Easter fun in the baskets in the Kinder foyers. From the donations, we are able to make amazing and multiple hampers for raffling. Baskets will appear this week and donations will be accepted until Friday March 12.

Tickets Sold from Monday March15 with all tickets needing to be returned by 9am on Tuesday March 30. Raffle drawn Tuesday March 30 at 12noon.

Up and coming dates to remember

Welcome Picnic is Back On- Thursday March 4 @ 5pm

At the regional play space (near the tram café)

Bring picnic rug, chairs, food and drink.

Great night to welcome all the new families and children to Memorial.

First committee meeting- Wednesday February 24- new members still welcome

Parent teacher interviews- Early Term 2 (week 2 and 3)

Labour Day- Next Monday March 8

End of Term 1- Thursday, April 1

Start of Term 2- Monday, April 19

Finally, we are always available for a chat, so please do not hesitate to speak with us.


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